Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Not to many things bother me but one that does is tailgating. Why do people tailgate. Do they really want to meet me in an angry state, because if I have to stop quickly for an emergency and they can't stop quickly enough and strike my vehicle from behind, they will meet me and if I'm still able to talk to them, if I'm still conscious and breathing , I can assure you I will not be very friendly with them.
I think that all drivers can relate to this, even the ones who do tailgate themselves. One incident that comes to mind was a man on a motorcycle who was so close to my rear bumper I could see if he cut himself shaving. Can you imagine if I had to stop quickly, he would, mind you on a motorcycle strike me from behind. Would he have gone through my rear window and hit me inside the vehicle.
Another incident still vivid in my mind was on an expressway, a man was on my bumper, I looked at him from my side view mirror and smiled, thinking look at this idiot, well as soon as I had a clearance I changed lanes giving him a chance to go by me, mind you I am not a slow driver normally 10 mph over the limit, and as he came along side me he swerved at me like you see in the movies like he was going to strike me. This of course angered me so I told him what I thought of him with my middle finger.
When I arrived home I phoned the local police and after giving the plate number the officer investigated. About 20 minutes later the police officer called me back and told me the man in question thought I was laughing at him and trying to keep him from passing me, which I was not trying to do. The good part is that no one was injured.
I did not press charges, the police officer told the man in question that he was lucky that I wasn't pressing charges, and the best part is that his father took the phone and also spoke the policeman and started to holler at his son, the same male who swerved at me, because he did this maneuver with his new truck.
Justice served.

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