School Security
Are there ever any easy answers. The horror that we have seen in our schools recently is appalling. A school should be a safe haven for our children to learn, not a war zone, not a scene of carnage.
How do we make our schools safer. I don't pretend even for a second that I have the cure, the answer to the problem, but perhaps if we all of us gave our collective input we might solve this and many other issues which face us in our modern age.
One person suggested arming our teachers, the school custodian etc, is that really the way to approach the problem. I was watching The Fox News Channel the other day and it was said that with all that occurred last week there were newsman who entered various schools and no one, no one approached them and asked them who they were, or what there purpose was, now this was after the three school tragedies, does that tell us something.
We must be very serious with security, how about checking each student as they enter the school, verify that they belong there, and yes have a metal detector, do a check like is being done at our airports. If it saves a child or a teachers life then it is worth the effort.
Have someone in authority at each entrance where students and staff come in. Once school is in session no one gets in unless they are checked at an entrance, verified as to why they are there. Perhaps if we start doing things of this nature we may save lives. As I said I don't pretend to have the answers but we must take action to save our children.
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